Ray Beck reflects on life spent in the cattle industry


Hampton man to be honored at Cattlemen banquet

  • Longtime farm hand and cattle industry veteran Ray Beck will be honored by the Hamilton-York County Cattlemen in late January.
    Longtime farm hand and cattle industry veteran Ray Beck will be honored by the Hamilton-York County Cattlemen in late January.

Two things about Ray Beck are universally true -- he’s always wearing his cowboy hat and he’s been working with cattle for his entire life. 
One or both of these facts have resulted in his most recent accomplishment. The Hampton resident and member of the Hamilton-York County Cattlemen is being honored by the organization for his dedication to and passion for the industry. 
“When I was real small we lived up on a farm near Wakefield,” Ray began, speaking to his start in the cattle world. “Dad worked for a feedlot and a farmer up there.” 
Born in Plainview, Ray and his older brother helped their father feed, milk and care for cattle -- whatever they could do to help out.
“That’s where I learned to drive a John Deere B tractor,” he added with a laugh. “I had to stand up to steer it, but we just had to help.” 

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