Smith reports low COVID numbers in district


Election update notes upcoming deadline information

  • Hamilton County Emergency Manager Kirt Smith visited county commissioners Monday morning for a brief update on a number of small items.
    Hamilton County Emergency Manager Kirt Smith visited county commissioners Monday morning for a brief update on a number of small items.

Hamilton County Emergency Manager Kirt Smith visited county commissioners Monday morning for a brief update on a number of small items.
“I’ll just give you a quick update on where things have been,” he began. “The Central District Health Department does updates on Thursdays now, so once a week we get updates. This last Thursday the 21st we had seven new cases in our three counties (for a) 7 percent positivity rate.”
It’s been low for the last few weeks, Smith added, with numbers staying down.
“There are 60 COVID (cases) in the hospital across the whole state,” he added. “So we’ve come a long ways from where we were at.”
Home COVID tests are still available through the health department, as well as a few other places, Smith reported further.

To read more, please see this week's print or e-edition.