Five area veterans awarded Quilts of Valor during fair


Each honored for their service before crowd of fairgoers

  • Local veterans receiving their Quilt of Valor during Thursday’s opening ceremonies at the Hamilton County Fair included, from left: Tom Collingham, Glenn Rauert, Jim Anderson, Richard Schaffert and Mike Fletcher.
    Local veterans receiving their Quilt of Valor during Thursday’s opening ceremonies at the Hamilton County Fair included, from left: Tom Collingham, Glenn Rauert, Jim Anderson, Richard Schaffert and Mike Fletcher.

As is tradition and in the spirit of honoring those who have served the United States in the military, Jeanette Friesen and the Nimble Thimble Quilt Guild was back at it again during the Thursday opening ceremonies of the 2022 Hamilton County Fair to present five veterans with their very own Quilt of Valor.
“We are honored to present five Quilts of Valor this evening,” she announced. “We want to thank the Hamilton Community Foundation for helping fund this project.” 
After a brief explanation of the Quilts of Valor Foundation, the meaning behind the quilts themselves and the story that started it all, Friesen introduced each veteran.
“I would now like to tell the stories of five veterans we are honoring this evening,” she said. “What I find so interesting is the wide variety of ways men and women have, and are, serving in the military. It takes so many different tasks and people working together for the common goal of protecting our country and the freedoms we have today.”
As the summaries of each veteran were read the individuals themselves were surrounded by family and friends holding their quilts.
Veteran’s being awarded quilts Thursday were Tom Collingham, Glenn Rauert, James Anderson, Richard Schaffert and Mike Fletcher.

To read more, please see this week's print or e-edition.