City approves company to maintain water tower


Jake Dugger explains benefits

  • The Aurora City Council voted unanimously last week to allow Mayor Marlin Seeman to enter into an agreement with Maguire Iron to a multi-year maintenance of the water tower. 
    The Aurora City Council voted unanimously last week to allow Mayor Marlin Seeman to enter into an agreement with Maguire Iron to a multi-year maintenance of the water tower. 

The Aurora City Council voted unanimously last week to allow Mayor Marlin Seeman to enter into an agreement with Maguire Iron to a multi-year maintenance of the water tower. 
Jake Dugger, a representative of Maguire Iron and water tower expert, says the agreement will keep costs low after an initial maintenance is done. 
“(For) 15 years, as you see it is the front part of this agreement, we’re actually able to spread that cost out,” Dugger said at the April 26 council meeting. 
The initial maintenance will cost $96,000 per year for the first five years of the agreement and $15,000 a year after that to pay for any maintenance afterwards.
“You wouldn’t have to come up with hundreds of thousands of dollars and you can have that same annual $15,000 even when needing those major renovations here,” Dugger explained to the council. “It’s one of those things that as long as you have your tower there, that maintenance is going to be required. And all this agreement does is put a system in place that, whoever is on the council, there’s money allocated in a system (that is) in place (so) that the tower can be taken care of. It’s always gonna be providing clean drinking water and that money is allocated for that.”

To read more, please see this week's print or e-edition.