4R approves use of logo on city water tower


District strategic plan public input session to come

  • Though a relatively short mid-summer meeting for the 4R school board featured a brief agenda, a number of timely and important updates were provided Monday afternoon. 
    Though a relatively short mid-summer meeting for the 4R school board featured a brief agenda, a number of timely and important updates were provided Monday afternoon. 

Though a relatively short mid-summer meeting for the 4R school board featured a brief agenda, a number of timely and important updates were provided Monday afternoon. 
Perhaps the more immediately visible of the two action items, Supt. Jody Phillips proposed the placement of the 4R district logo -- the Husky -- to be painted upon the City of Aurora water tower.
“The (the city is) repainting the water tower,” Phillips said. “I had heard talks of this whenever they repainted it last time and it didn’t get done for whatever reason. So when I found out they were repainting, I contacted Rick Melcher at the city just to see if it was something the city would entertain.”
Melcher was to take it to one of the city council committees to have further conversations. It was scheduled be discussed and potentially decided upon during Tuesday night’s meeting.

To read more, please see this week's print or e-edition.