Tennis lessons getting first serve in Aurora


Clinics for all age groups start Aug. 20

  • Six-year-old Cara Dennis puts in some time at the Aurora tennis facility early Monday morning. Aurora’s facility will host a six-week tennis clinic for anyone ranging from 5 years old to adults.
    Six-year-old Cara Dennis puts in some time at the Aurora tennis facility early Monday morning. Aurora’s facility will host a six-week tennis clinic for anyone ranging from 5 years old to adults.

Four years after cutting the tape on a brand-new tennis facility, the next phase of growing the game in Aurora is underway.
For the first time, Aurora will host a six-week tennis clinic on its new Streeter Park courts complete with a tennis pro leading the classes for all ages to participate. 
A group of three individuals were part of a presentation July 6 to the Rotary Club, including Jennifer Dennis, a member of the Aurora Tennis Facility board, Kara Heim, a representative of the United States Tennis Association and Joa Vandervelpen, a tennis pro from Grand Island who will teach the clinics. 
Several years ago, a need for an upgraded tennis facility was noted by community leaders and a combined effort between that group and the City of Aurora made it happen with courts in Streeter Park. “With the support of local individuals, businesses and foundations, they raised the funds to build our new tennis facility,” Dennis told the Rotary Club. 

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