Recall election will proceed in Giltner

  • Giltner Hornets
    Giltner Hornets

Hamilton County Clerk Jill DeMers reported this week that enough signatures have been verified in a recall initiative targeting Giltner School Board President Chris Waddle to advance the process to an election.
DeMers stated that 133 signatures were verified and accepted by her office, more than the 119 required. That minimum number was established based on a formula requiring 35 percent of votes the top vote-getter received in the last election.
Having reviewed the recall process with the Nebraska Secretary of State’s Office, DeMers reported that she advised the Giltner School Board and administration of the results, informing them that as the governing body GPS now has 21 days to order an election.
According to state statute, once the clerk is notified of that order, an election must be scheduled at least 50 days later and on the first Tuesday following the second Monday of the selected month.
DeMers noted that the only people who will be eligible to vote in the recall election are patrons of the Giltner School District. The outcome will be decided by a simple majority.