Aurora seniors complete ‘Apply to College Week’


Huskies get the chance to check-in with counselors

  • Students who have applied to a post-secondary school or other opportunity, like Eva Fahrnbruch (right) were invited to staple a flag to this board outside the counseling office.
    Students who have applied to a post-secondary school or other opportunity, like Eva Fahrnbruch (right) were invited to staple a flag to this board outside the counseling office.

Aurora High School was a-buzz with thoughts of the future last week, thanks to an “Apply to College Week” initiative via the counseling office. 
The week was broader than just college, school counselor Jake Willems explained, as it offered seniors a chance to check in with all of their post-graduation plans. 
“We, as a counseling office, this is our second year doing an ‘Apply to College Week,’” he said. “It really is a time of encouraging all of our seniors to let us know and start thinking and having conversations with their families about what their plan is after they graduate from high school.”

To read more, please see this week's print or e-edition.