4R board approves big purchase for 150 new band uniforms


Bid accepted for $118k, other federal funding discussed

  • The Aurora School Board accepted a bid Monday for $118,000 for 150 new band uniforms.
    The Aurora School Board accepted a bid Monday for $118,000 for 150 new band uniforms.

As part of a healthy agenda, 4R school board members were tasked with approving a long-awaited and much-anticipated purchase during Monday’s meeting.
After 12 years the Aurora Marching Huskies will be seeing new band uniforms. 
“So we’re on year 12 of band uniforms,” Supt. Jody Phillips announced. “And our typical replacement cycle is every 10 years.”
Though the discussion had been brought up before Phillips joined the board last year, due to the unfortunate circumstances of COVID the replacement didn’t happen. As they were not used much this year -- for the same reason -- the company is going to honor the same bid of $118,000 for purchase this season.

To read more, please see this week's print or e-edition.