Thanks, Dave


Long-term, quality employees invaluable in today’s workforce

  • Kurt Johnson
    Kurt Johnson

Experience, dedication and a can-do positive attitude are priceless in today’s workforce. Quality employees make all the difference when it comes to getting the job done.
We’ve written stories about that topic numerous times as part of our workforce recognition coverage, with many local business owners and managers sharing how vital long-term employees are to their operations. The News-Register counts itself in that crowd, and on that note we must tip our hat this week to a man who dedicated most of his professional life to you, our customers and readers.
Dave Bradley joined the ANR team back in August of 1981, a youngster at the time ready to throw himself into his job and newly adopted hometown of Aurora. He has been a go-to guy since Day 1 as many of you know, though Paula and I have only had the pleasure of working with him since joining the News-Register in 2000.
Dave retired on Feb. 22, ending a 40-year career. Anyone who knows this man can guess that he would prefer to slip out the back door unnoticed, which is simply his nature. He’s as humble as they come, always striving to put others’ needs and interests ahead of his own, which made him an exemplary advertising manager and co-worker.
Dave is a sports junkie at heart, especially when it comes to his beloved Huskers, so it seems only natural to describe his career in those terms. He was a team captain, clutch hitter and utility player all rolled into one on our team, a unique combination of personality and skills, taking on any task that needed to be done. He was the ultimate multi-tasker who could lead large projects while also juggling 10 or more balls (print and digital ads, commercial jobs, special editions and a variety of customer requests) in the air at one time. He could also switch gears in a heartbeat, throwing on a pink bunny outfit in fun, for example, taking one for the team in hopes of helping local sponsors be part of a feel-good promotion.
Advertising was his game, though he often pinch hit to help out in the newsroom, covering teams throughout an entire season for many years, and later helping out as needed. He had an eye for photography and a gift for writing, especially sports columns, thus we’ve invited him to continue to share his sideline perspective with you in retirement from time to time.
I can’t count the number of times clients and readers would share praise with me regarding something Dave wrote or did. He was and is a genuine source of positive energy, the kind of guy you enjoy spending time with, let alone working with 40-plus hours a week.
That’s Mr. Dave Bradley in a nutshell — everybody’s friend and one heck of an employee. Job well done, sir!
Kurt Johnson