Dave’s new year goals for 2022


From the Sidelines

  • Dave Bradley
    Dave Bradley

New Year’s resolutions for most people just come and go. Good intentions usually fall by the side of the road in favor of poor decisions. It’s only natural because we’re only human, right?
For me, I usually try to stay clear of them. If I don’t make any then I cannot fail.
But this year I’ve made a list of a few, 45 in fact, that at least in my mind seem reasonable for 2022. If I get at least a couple of the following accomplished, well, that’s going to be a bonus:
1. Get a boat.
2. Read a book. Any book. Probably a sports book.
3. Have more patience when it comes to Husker football. Things can’t get much worse, right? Right?
4. Eat an apple every day.
5. Get back to doing workouts.
6. Use more sunscreen in the summer.
7. Scrub the kitchen floor more often.
8. Change the oil in the lawn mower more often.
9. Keep the garage clean.
10. Keep my side of the dresser clean.
11. Take a grandkid to a Husker sporting event.
12. Change the furnace filter more often.
13. Drink more water.
14. Drink less pop.
15. Watch a soccer match.
16. Watch a tennis match.
17. Play tennis.
18. Get a home computer.
19. Do more volunteer work.
20. Learn to cook (more than toast and poptarts).
21. Move around more. Sit less.
22. Be more consistent with meal times, especially on the weekends.
23. Turn on music instead of the TV.
24. Floss every day.
25. Eat fewer hamburgers.
26. Eat more pizza.
27. Get my photos organized on both my camera and on my phone.
28. Delete unused apps on my phone.
29. Watch at least one documentary. World War II always fascinates me.
30. Give the dog a bath more often.
31. Try to figure out Hulu.
32. Learn a different language. Okay maybe not.
33. Keep stretching my hamstrings.
34. Tell my wife she can retire.
35. Tell my wife she’s right more often.
36. Just say no to any more pink bunny outfits.
37. Just say no to watching any more Husker men’s basketball games.
38. Don’t feed the dog table scraps.
39. Don’t look at my phone as much on work breaks.
40. Don’t eat (as much) raw cookie dough.
41. Don’t watch (as much) NBA basketball.
42. Don’t watch any more Bachelor shows. Period.
43. Watch old Betty White shows.  
44. Attend at least one Husker baseball game.
45. And finally, in honor of my co-workers, listen to one Garth Brooks song without making a funny face. “Friends in Low Places” for some reason comes to mind.
Happy New Year!

DAVE BRADLEY can be reached at advertising@hamilton.net.