Volunteerism, dogs in need waiting for YOU

  • Butch Furse
    Butch Furse

You may have noticed a trend that has been developing the past few years. There has been a dip in memberships in many of our local clubs and organizations. Also judging from the advertisements appearing in the News-Register classified ads there is a shortage of “volunteers” to fill slots  helping in hospice community care, senior center services, patient companionship, Head Start programs, plus animal care services for dogs and cats.
We know our world has become much busier and pressure-packed with time becoming even more valuable for all of us, young or old. However, after a few months of retirement, my boredom set in and I began to miss the workday routines, and felt the need for accomplishment and civic service. That’s when I answered one of those local classifieds and in particular, Aurora Adopt-A-Pet.
Our household liked dogs and had two dogs of our own. I liked to walk daily and have a heart that was warmed by mutts and particularly those dogs that were abandoned, abused, or needed a new home. It was a perfect fit even though duties sometimes assisted helping clean kennels and picking up poops. I could volunteer at Aurora Adopt-A-Pet to work regularly every day or work a limited time frame and the duties were flexible as needed, but I centered on walking dogs – big or small.  
My volunteerism has continued for several years at the shelter and must admit my walking step is slowing, but still is enjoyable for both dog and man. Camaraderie among the volunteers is great. Dogs and cats are appreciative. Best of all, I’m not in charge of this great volunteer organization; assume little complex responsibility; and my Betterhalf loves to have me out of the house.
So, if you’re looking for something to do that works to kill your boredom and helps build community services, check those volunteer ads on the classified page or join a civic club. Those organizations and service clubs will welcome you!
 In the very near future men will eat baked beans and say: “Ah, dear, these are just like those in the cans mother used to open.” 
RL Furse  is publisher emeritus of the News-Register