Say no to unnecessary tax

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Dear Editor:
I will be voting against the city sales tax. My reasoning is as follows. 
Over the last 10 years assessed property values in Aurora have increased dramatically and have significantly increased the property tax revenue the town receives. If there were any seriousness at all to the claims of wanting to help property owners reduce tax amounts, they would have lowered the rate to where revenues remained stable. Obviously, they are enjoying the extra money. 
The city should not be allowed another method to take our money. For you renters out there, realize that your rent has gone up due to this. All they are offering in exchange for giving them another way to bleed us, is an ambiguous and based on past actions, a disingenuous claim that this will help reduce property tax. 
I say, reduce property tax rates so we can see you are serious, then ask me if I will support a sales tax for a further property tax reduction, one that is quantified and guaranteed to be durable ahead of time. 
Anyone who has felt the pinch of inflation recently needs to know two things. 1. Inflation is a direct result of government overspending and printing money. 2. Voting for this sales tax will increase the cost of almost everything you buy a further 1-1/2 percent. Say no to this unnecessary tax. 
Dwayne Juzyk, 