After a one-year pause, annual A’ROR’N Days is the place to be

  • Kurt Johnson
    Kurt Johnson

The last weekend in June is always one to look forward to in Aurora and this year, for a lot of reasons, there is extra cause for celebration.
Topping the list, of course, is the fact what we couldn’t get together in 2020 for what has become an annual feel-good gig. COVID-19 couldn’t kill our collective spirits, but it did force a one year pandemic pause, for A’ROR’N Days and virtually every other summer celebration across America.
So it’s with a little extra anticipation that we marked the calendar for the 2021 version. The four-day agenda kicks off Thursday, offering something for everyone to enjoy.
In addition to all the popular A’ROR’N Days events back for another year there are some milestones mixed into the agenda. Aurora celebrates its 150th anniversary, while the iconic Hamilton County courthouse marks its 125th year of anchoring the downtown square. The math may be off by a year due to the pandemic, but that asterisk won’t make a bit of difference as the celebration unfolds.
A giant thank you goes out to all the committee members and volunteers who worked hard gearing up for last year’s celebration, then hit the reset button to dial it up for an exciting week ahead.
Former Huskies, friends and family members returning to Aurora for the annual A’ROR’N Days celebration may notice a lot of changes in the old hometown. To Husky graduates back for their reunion and other guests visiting Aurora this week, we invite you to take some time and look around. There is an awful lot of visible progress in Aurora and Hamilton County. Highway 34 is a perfect example, with over $4 million of investment reflected in several new or renovated structures over the past two years. 
The A’ROR’N Days agenda is chock full of activities, as always, and our community looks forward to rolling out the red carpet and having a good time. It’s worth your time at some point to take a drive around town and notice all the positive changes.
There is a lot happening on the local front, and not just during A’ROR’N Days. Our community welcomes you!
Kurt Johnson