Adults setting poor example of ‘making country better’

  • Butch Furse
    Butch Furse

We’ve always prided ourselves with the fact we lived in a democracy and enjoyed the benefits of the Land of The Free. Over the past decade it appears by political terms, the word “free” has gradually inched toward a new meaning. It now seems “free” has become the byword of many of our politicians and their election instead of the basics found in our Constitutional Amendments.
   In short, “free” today seems the government goal is trying to give a “free lunch” for every citizen with no fear of who is going to pay for it. Naturally we are being told only the wealthy citizens and corporations through their additional tax increases will be paying for these proposed new or, expanded national “free programs.” And presto . . . again we will receive another increased tax bill when we believed we were middle class.
   We have tossed our own decades ago fear of communism taking over our country and have now replaced it with the fear of socialism. An NBC News Poll just this last month found that 55 percent of Americans want the federal government to do more to solve the nation’s problems; only 41 percent want the government to do less. In 1995 the polls reflected 62 percent said the government was trying to do too many things. A poll in 2018 found similar support for bigger government.
   Now we have proposals that can add over $4 trillion to our present federal debt. Such programs give new employer tax credits to those people who haven’t had their virus shots yet. Making permanent are many of the just-passed COVID-19 assistance programs plus child tax credits, national family and medical leave program, infrastructure jobs plan, pausing student loan payments and the list goes on and on.
   Incidentally the federal workforce stood at 2.1 million civilian employees in 2020 and is projected to have the “Help Wanted” sign up for this year.
   Now I apologize to my grandchildren. I’m sorry we adults have left you with such a national debt for you to try to retire and during our watch leave a poor example of how to make a country better.
Footprints in the sands of time can never be made by sitting down.

RL Furse  is publisher emeritus of the News-Register