What to know before starting a meat processing plant


Professionals in the field begin the hot-button talk

  • In a recent webinar hosted by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Center for Agricultural Profitability (CAP), industry professionals spoke to a new and rising hot-button issue in the beef world -- processing plants.
    In a recent webinar hosted by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Center for Agricultural Profitability (CAP), industry professionals spoke to a new and rising hot-button issue in the beef world -- processing plants.

In a recent webinar hosted by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Center for Agricultural Profitability (CAP), industry professionals spoke to a new and rising hot-button issue in the beef world -- processing plants, starting said plant, and legal concerns or questions that might come along with that. 
“Today we’ll be looking at the types of meat processing plants and their locations to discuss the financial concerns associated with starting a new meat processing plant, as well as addressing some legal issues that should be considered when deciding on either a customer exempt or federally inspected plant,” said Elliott Dennis, assistant professor and Extension livestock economist at UNL. “I’ll go ahead and start us off today by discussing the types of meat processing plants and their locations.” 
Dennis’ initial point included an explanation on just why conversations like these are happening in the first place.
“A lot of these questions and concerns about slaughter capacity and slaughter plants in general, really started in the middle of 2019 and were further expanded in 2020,” he said. 

To read more, please see this week's print or e-edition.