Powell shares insight on hunting practices in NE


UNL professor provides facts on harvest rules

  • Hunting and fishing are a way of life for many people in rural communities.
    Hunting and fishing are a way of life for many people in rural communities.

Hunting and fishing are a way of life for many people in rural communities. Utilized as both a family tradition, past time and source of protein makes it so many people have some connection with the practice.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln professor of conservation biology and animal ecology, Dr. Larkin Powell shared how the hunting seasons operate behind the curtain and how that impacts area hunters.
He began the webinar by explaining that wildlife in the United States is a public trust. That means that wildlife resources are owned by the public as a whole.
This plays a role in how the harvest of wildlife is managed in Nebraska and beyond.
“We are a federation of individual states,” he explained. “So most decisions for how we can use that resource are at the state level. I can’t make the decision by myself, the city of Lincoln can’t make too many decisions but we have the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission that serves as the agency that makes those decisions.”

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