A nitrate discussion via NRD


Official speaks to incentive programs offered in area

  • In continuation of a conversation about nitrate awareness, especially as it pertains to ground and drinking water, Conservation Nebraska hosted a February webinar with Upper Big Blue NRD water resources technician Erin Wilkins.
    In continuation of a conversation about nitrate awareness, especially as it pertains to ground and drinking water, Conservation Nebraska hosted a February webinar with Upper Big Blue NRD water resources technician Erin Wilkins.

In continuation of a conversation about nitrate awareness, especially as it pertains to ground and drinking water, Conservation Nebraska hosted a February webinar with Upper Big Blue NRD water resources technician Erin Wilkins. 
After introducing herself, Wilkins spent the first few minutes of her presentation going over the basics of nitrates, including what they are, how they get into groundwater and risks they could pose if found too concentrated in drinking water.
“So one of the things that I get asked a lot since I do the water sampling here at the NRD is the health effects, you know, what should we be concerned about?” Wilkins voiced. “The biggest one that most people know about is Blue Baby Syndrome. Infants below six months who drink water containing nitrates above 10 parts per million, they can become seriously ill and if they aren’t treated for it, they could potentially die.”
Others who should be cautious, she added, include pregnant women, nursing mothers, the elderly and those who have “elevated” health conditions. 
“They have been linked to certain cancers,” she said. “There are many studies out there with that. Right now we’re actually collaborating with the Med Center out in Omaha about a study on how nitrates can be linked to pediatric cancer within the area. Nebraska is one of the top states in cases for pediatric cancer, so it is a very close-to-home study for quite a few of us.”

To read more, please see this week's print or e-edition.