Giltner School Board moves forward with upgrades


Mumm explains necessity of changes

  • Giltner Hornets
    Giltner Hornets

The Giltner School Board approved a quote from Winfrey Plumbing regarding the high school gym locker rooms and tabled another quote from the company on the high school boys’ rest room on Jan. 11 while waiting for further information on the pricing of tiles and partitions.
Supt. Nick Mumm offered insight on the updates and choices that the board had to decide on.
The locker rooms will be getting eight showers, four for each of the boys and girl locker rooms, in the 1981 gym for about $31,000, which was lower than the listed $49,000 quote due to the school’s selection of the sets.
“On the quote there was a set of showers for $9,000, there’s a set of showers for $9,100 and there’s a set of showers for $9,200,” Mumm stated in a later interview. “We only need one set of showers so we went with the $9,200 showers and the total quote came to, I think it was $31,625 to do the all the remodeling (and) all the work in there.”

To read more, please see this week's print or e-edition.