Summer celebration reminds us this is a special place


Reason to smile

  • Kurt Johnson
    Kurt Johnson

Another A’ROR’N Days is in the books and for the record a good time was had by all.
Based on the smiling faces all around town during the four-day celebration this was a grand party that couldn’t have come at a better time. The Mardi Gras theme was appropriate as folks seemed primed and ready to blow off a little steam and have some fun.
The News-Register staff had its hands full just trying to capture all there was to see and do on camera. Hopefully this week’s edition reflects the goodwill vibe pulsing through town from start to finish.
One of the highlights for me, beyond the sheer number of people on hand and the energy they generate, is the one-on-one conversations with friends old and new. Without exception, every A’ROR’N Days I’ve attended has introduced me to friends I hadn’t met yet, as well as rekindled memories of yesteryear during chats with former residents and graduates I covered back in their Husky glory days. I’m still a new kid on the block at 22 years in, so I can only imagine the depth and detail of conversations among life-long Aurorans.
I took several alumni photos this year and couldn’t help but get a sense that Husky grads appreciate the friendships and foundation they built here. I also heard several comments from alums who said that Aurora remains a pretty special place to come home to, reflected in the celebration that brings them back the last weekend in June. I couldn’t agree more!
Thanks to all who had a hand it setting the stage for a celebration that shouldn’t be taken for granted.
-- Kurt Johnson