You’d be surprised what can happen in 24 hours

  • Butch Furse
    Butch Furse

 When someone asks you what you’ve been doing the past 24-hours and you say, “nothing,’ you may want to think again. Here’s a list of things that happen in this world every 24 hours:
* Americans get through 4,000 tons of chips, 300,000 tins of Spam and over 15 million burgers.
* Over 17 million celebrate their birthday.
* Lightning strikes 8.5 million times.
* 380,000 babies are born.
* A flea jumps 14,400 times.
   * The world’s beards grow 485 miles.
* The average person loses and replaces 100 hairs.
* All the bodies in the world produce enough sweat  to fill 16 supertankers.
* Each human produces 1.8 pints of saliva.
* 27,000 people get married.
* 30,000 breaths are taken by each person.
* 173 million blood cells are created and destroyed.
* Your eyes produce a teaspoonful of tears.
* Sheep yield 5,000 tons of wool.
* Hens lay nearly 2 billion eggs.
* Each person blinks 9,365 times.
* Each oak tree drinks 20 gallons of water.
* Over four million tons of rubbish are thrown out.
* 52,000 tons of cotton is harvested.
* 160,000 oranges are harvested.
* 134,000 apples are harvested.
* 900,000 golf balls are sold.
* The amount of urine produced would take 20 minutes to flow over Niagara Falls.
*  Anteaters eat 30,000 ants.
Judging by the number of arrests for marijuana in possession appearing in the Aurora News-Register Public Record, it’s hard to believe more revenue could be collected if the State of Nebraska legalized the drug.
It is been reported that the God whom little boys say their prayers has a face very much like their mother’s.
RL Furse  is publisher emeritus of the News-Register