A little hint makes crosswords enjoyable

  • Butch Furse
    Butch Furse

We’ve always enjoyed reading newspapers whether they were our local publications or those from areas elsewhere. Not surprisingly that has continued even after our retirement 20 years ago. This ex-publisher’s inquisitiveness still remains although the ink in our blood has been diluted somewhat from just reading about “news and sports.”  For the past couple years the crossword puzzles now have joined our news and sports interests.
 Before you rush to conclusions we must first clarify the statement by pointing out we’re not necessarily good at working a crossword puzzle. To help to hone our puzzle skills we initially rushed out and bought a crossword puzzle dictionary – over a 1,000 page dictionary.
We’re not sure a dictionary has really helped us. By the time we search for a word  . . . count the crossword squares . . . see if that word fills those squares  . . . too much time has passed for us to complete many of the puzzles. Currently we have shelved the dictionary and search for a newspaper with simpler puzzles. 
We have also added another key factor in this slow learner’s search. Our selected crossword puzzle newspaper must print the answers to the crossword puzzle on another page in the same issue. Yeah, we cheat a little every now and then.  Satisfaction still comes to us however, because we no longer lay awake at night trying figure out the puzzle words that stymied us earlier!
We were present at a well-attended Memorial Day service at the Aurora cemetery a week ago. The American Legion Post No. 42 and VFW Post 4993 and their auxiliaries conducted an outstanding service that also included the invocation by Rev. Karl Larson, Scouts’ flag raising, rifle team squad and music by the Hamilton Community Band.
Most impressive was reading of the names of  those Hamilton County servicemen who had served our country starting with the Civil War era and continuing  with all local rosters in other wars since then. 
It made us very proud of the large number of our locals who served and made sacrifices for the freedom we enjoy today.
God Bless America!
Truth is opinion that still survives.
RL Furse  is publisher emeritus of the News-Register