Food for thought on lawsuits, vaccines, gas prices

  • Butch Furse
    Butch Furse

Might wonder why our legal court systems are over-burdened. It seems attempted lawsuits come from everywhere. Here’s a prime example of a recent issue:
The elephant “Happy” at the Bronx Zoo is not a person. A court rejected an effort to free her from confinement because she did not meet the definition of a “person” who is being illegally confined. Advocates attempting to sue were from an organization representing the Non-human Rights Projects. 
The court ruling recognized that “Happy” was happy, friendly, content, being well-taken care of, and (dah) did not meet the description of a person.
If you ever find happiness by hunting for it, you will find it as the old woman did her lost spectacles – safe on the end of her nose.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention finally approved littlest kids can get vaccinations against the coronavirus. 
It’s interesting after the final approval for children only one in five parents will get their children’s vaccination immediately. Many will still hold off because they feel the child may need additional shots later or could still come down with a light case of the disease in the future.
Cats have 100 vocal sounds dogs have about 10. You may not believe that if your neighbor has a barking dog.
The Betterhalf is an avid book reader, but according a report on national book reading habits she is easily to be outdone. The report cited individuals reading up to six books at one time citing it’s easier if they have different themes. 
Gee, I even find it difficult to read more than three newspapers daily.
 It’s amazing how fast a $5 gallon of gas goes when you have an auto that gets 20 miles per gallon. Somehow, we never noticed that when gas was cheaper. That started some thinking and recalled the message slower speeds can save more on gas usage. 
After a few slow trips we had some gas saving, but our dispositions at our slow speed challenge were higher. How can a guy be retired and still be in a hurry? 
RL Furse  is publisher emeritus of the News-Register